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Our commitment extends beyond providing legal advice: we are true advocates for your long-term success and business advancement. With an unmatched breadth of experience to help you navigate your market, our team leads the way with thoughtful insights about legal developments, legislative updates, and the news that matters most to your industry.

We will keep you current with timely, relevant, and practical legal information in key areas of interest. Explore our latest insights on the sectors, legal developments, and news that matter most.


Hiring Foreign Workers: 5 Key Construction Sector Considerations

Jul 26, 2024

The nature of the construction industry, especially when it comes to seasonal work and where the labour needs and costs must be estimated in advance…


Jul 26, 2024

Flow-Through Claims: 10 Key Liquidating Agreement Considerations

Jul 17, 2024

In a typical construction project, the owner has a contract with the prime contractor, the prime contractor has a contract with the subcontractors…


Jul 17, 2024

CSIS Gets New Preservation & Production Orders

Jul 16, 2024

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has been looking for a new production order power; it’s on its way.  The role of CSIS is to…


Jul 16, 2024

5 FAQs About the Duty to Accommodate

Jul 4, 2024

The duty to accommodate is a legal duty human rights laws impose on employers – but it’s not written down or described in human rights…


Jul 4, 2024

Accommodating Disabilities: Employers’ Right to Employee Medical Information

Jul 4, 2024

When an employee seeks accommodation of a disability, either physical or mental, the duty to accommodate is nuanced by both the employer’s need for…


Jul 4, 2024

Immigration Target Reductions: Key Strategies to Continue to Access Foreign Workers

Jun 27, 2024

Canadian businesses need foreign workers to address labour and skills shortages. Yet the Canadian government is taking steps to reduce the number of…


Jun 27, 2024

Municipal Public Video Surveillance: 5 Key Steps to Legal Compliance

Jun 26, 2024

An increasing number of municipalities in Canada are using public video camera surveillance to promote public safety and help deter crimes like…


Jun 26, 2024

3 Paid Sick Days: 3 Actions for P.E.I. Employers

Jun 26, 2024

Effective October 1, 2024, public and private Prince Edward Island employees will be entitled to up to three paid sick days per calendar year. Since…


Jun 26, 2024

Cyber Security Incident Response: The Question of Legal Privilege

Jun 20, 2024

On April 30, 2024, the Ontario Divisional Court decided the victim of a serious cyber security incident was required to produce to privacy regulators…


Jun 20, 2024

3 Routes to Taxpayer Relief

Jun 4, 2024

Didn’t file your taxes on time – or made a mistake in your tax filings? All might not be lost. There is the possibility of relief from the Canada…


Jun 4, 2024

Employment Contracts: Avoiding – or Diffusing – the Ticking Time Bomb

May 30, 2024

Using written employment contracts is a good start – but it doesn’t mean they will be enforceable. Courts interpret employment contracts to…


May 30, 2024

Wrongful Death General Damages: Does Culture Count?

May 17, 2024

Do cultural practices play a role in the assessment of damages for wrongful death claims? There is British Columbia precedent for awarding damages to…


May 17, 2024