• United Nations Global Compact

    United Nations Global Compact

McInnes Cooper and the United Nations Global Compact

Having joined in late 2022, McInnes Cooper leverages its membership with UN Global Compact to guide and measure our ESG performance leading to tangible impact. This includes:

  • Communication on Progress: We report annually based on UN Global Compact requirements, providing insights into the concrete steps we are taking to advance our sustainability efforts. View McInnes Cooper’s UN Global Compact profile and recent communications on progress.
  • Influence on Strategy: UN Global Compact and its principles are part of the strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations of our company, and we commit to engage in collaborative projects that advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Alignment with ESG Services: Our involvement with UN Global Compact better equips our lawyers and staff to provide ESG-related services to our clients. Through education and accelerator programs on emerging topics, our members are building knowledge and capacity to address our clients’ ESG requirements.
  • Educational Resources: Through the UN Global Compact Academy, our members have access to a robust learning platform with educational resources on key sustainability topics.