• Environmental Stewardship 1

    Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship 4

Environmental Stewardship

We acknowledge that our operations have an impact on the environment, and we commit to implementing measures to mitigate those effects. To do so, we continuously seek opportunities to engage our members, collaborate with clients and partner with conservation organizations.

Our areas of focus are waste management, energy consumption, business travel and commuting. Examples of the initiatives McInnes Cooper has implemented include:

  • We engaged a consultant to conduct a comprehensive analysis of our greenhouse gas emissions in 2022, and subsequent annual analyses of scope 1 & 2 emissions.
  • We counter-balanced 50% of scope 1 & 2 emissions through investment in a responsibly planned and stewarded reforestation project in New Brunswick.
  • Including the project noted above, we have planted/sponsored more than 21,000 trees since 2014.
  • McInnes Cooper has supported grassroots renewable energy projects, including the installation of solar panels on the Dalhousie Schulich School of Law Weldon Building.
  • We support annually the following land conservation organizations: the Nova Scotia Nature Trust, the Nature Trust of New Brunswick, The Nature Conservancy of Canada, the Aquatic Conservation Initiative.
  • We participate annually in volunteer projects, such as the Great Fundy Coastal Cleanup and the McNabs Island Shore Cleanup.
  • By implementing digital filing tools and duplex printing defaults, we have reduced our annual paper usage by 7.5 million sheets compared to 2010.
  • In 2018, we adopted a set of Responsible Purchasing Guidelines.
  • And in 2016, we introduced sustainable coffee machines that use biodegradable pods and packaging.
  • We off our members a firm-wide public transit subsidy, and we participate in the SmartTrip XPass program in Halifax.
  • In 2022, McInnes Cooper joined the United Nations Global Compact, which requires us to report annually on measurable progress achieve in the areas of governance, labour, human rights, environment and anti-corruption. Through that affiliation, firm members have benefitted from expert-facilitated and peer-led learning  on corporate climate change action.