McInnes Cooper is proud to announce Halifax partner, Brian Awad was elected as a member of the governing Council of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society.
Made up of lawyers elected by the Society’s members, an appointee from the Nova Scotia Department of Justice and three lay representatives, the governing Council functions as the Society’s board of directors. It’s role is to set policy and direct management in the protection and advancement of the public interest in the practice of law. The Society also regulates Bar admissions, provides for the management of trust accounts, applies professional discipline measures to lawyers who have engaged in illegal activities and unethical practices and generally assists all Nova Scotians with their access to justice.
Brian was one of the three successful candidates elected at large by the Society’s members both province-wide and beyond. His term will cover the Society’s two fiscal years between July 1st, 2017 and June 30th, 2019. In additional to approximately ten Council meetings annually, Council Members chair or are members of numerous Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society committees.
Congratulations Brian on this well deserved appointment!